Thursday, February 21, 2013

Buffy: Obsidian Fate

#5 - Obsidian Fate by Diana G. Gallagher

I have read most of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer tie-in novels and even more fanfiction, and I'm sorry to say that this book was a let down.  The author does a decent job of getting the characters right, which is a huge feat in itself, but the story-line is weak and there's too much focus on secondary characters.  I've always felt that the characters relationships and interactions with each other were the heart and soul of the show, with the monsters and demons acting as a backdrop, but this book does the opposite.  Buffy and the other Scoobies take a backseat to the rambling Aztec history and plot that just goes on and on.  The book is downright boring for the first half, and I eventually started flipping through the rest of it, skimming to see if it was worth finishing.

Oh, and the author constantly confusing Angelus with 'Angeles' was ridiculously distracting to me.  Skip this one, there are plenty of other good Buffy stories out there.

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